Nc Hook Up Tonight Free

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Hooking up with an ex is risky behavior that can lead you to get hurt all over again, but it can also give you a thrill to hook up with someone that you used to date. If you want to start dating your ex again, that's one thing, but if you want to know how to hook up with your ex girlfriend, then it's a whole different ball game. To do it successfully, you have to keep things spontaneous, make sure you're both on the same page, and have fun without getting hurt. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps.


Nc Hook Up Tonight Free

Method 1 of 3:
Get Ready to Hook Up with Your Ex-Girlfriend

  1. 1
    Keep it spontaneous. If you want to hook up with your ex without any strings attached and to have as much fun as possible, then you have to start off by being spontaneous. Don't call her or text her, asking what she's been up to. Instead, you should run into her at a club, a party, or just out in the middle of the day, and start charming her and letting her know that you want to hook up.[1]
  2. Enough time should pass so you get rid of any anger or lingering resentment or bitterness.[2]
  3. Don't give her a puppy-dog love gaze. Look her up and down and let her see that you think she looks hot.
  4. Be blunt. Ask her to come over or wait for an invitation to go to her place.
  • 4
    Make your intentions clear. Before you even touch your ex's lips with your own, you should make your intentions and expectations clear. Tell her you want to hook up without any strings attached, that you're not looking to get back into the relationship, and that you just want to have a little fun. Let her know that you only want to see her to hook up, not to do all the date-y stuff that leads to hooking up.
    • Don't be a jerk. It's not cool to lead on your ex, hook up with her again, and then tell her that you're not really looking to reconnect.
  • 5
    Make sure you're on the same page. Keep in mind that, when you're about to hook up with an ex, it's pretty unlikely that you're both on the same page. That is to say, it's almost always the case that one of you is still hurt, still reeling, and still emotionally vulnerable from the break up. It could be the case that she dumped you and you're pretending that you want to hook up when you really just want to get back together, or that she's totally hung up on you while you just want to get her in bed. But if you really are looking for the same things, then it's safe to go for it.[3]
  • Think about how serious the relationship was in the beginning. If you were only together for a month or two, then you're both much more likely to be okay with just hooking up than you'd be if you dated for a year or two.
  • Make sure you're both okay with also hooking up with other people. If you're not, then why not just get back together?