How To Hook Up A Ps4 To A Vpn Connection For Free
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You have a VPN but you are not completely satisfied with the service it offers so you want to change? Or simply you have not yet configured VPN on your Android smartphone and you want to do it for various reasons. It is important to keep in mind that when we browse the internet, we expose ourselves to many dangers, vis-à-vis our personal data. Depending on what you do, a VPN can strongly secure them. Sometimes, for example, certain public networks are insecure and expose you when you connect to them (an airport for example), so a VPN would protect you of these pirates.
How to change the VPN on your Android smartphone
Here are the different steps allowing you to change VPN on your phone or configure a new one.
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First, go to settings your android phone, then press the 'More… »In the center of your screen:
Learn how to set up a mobile hotspot VPN. Share the VPN connection over WiFi with all devices. All you need is a laptop and 2 apps: Connectify and Speedify.
- Once in settings, click on ' VPNAt the bottom of the different choices.
- When you are in VPN tab, you may be warned if you don't have a unlock pattern or code. This step will an essential if you want install or change your VPN on your Android smartphone. If nothing appears, just go to the next step.
- From there, if you already have a Active VPN, you can click it, then ' settings' , and finally deactivate. This will completely deactivate it from your smartphone until reactivation.
- Then you just have to click on the cross at the top right of your smartphone screen:
- You must enter connection details that you collected from your network administrator to properly configure your VPN.
- Namely: you can define this VPN as ' permanent Which means that you block any connectionwho would not go through this VPN. In other words it constantly forces your Android phone to secure your connection via this VPN and avoid going through the standard network. You just have to click on the three dots at the top right and select Permanent VPN to set it to this mode.
So here are the different steps for change VPN on your Android smartphone or to configure a new one.
We will see in a second part what are the benefits of such a practice.
Why change VPN on Android
How To Hook Up A Ps4 To A Vpn Connection For Free Full
Now that you have changed VPN on your smartphone, you may also wonder what are all bespoke of such manipulation. Let's go over what more it can do for you:
- An encrypted VPN connection
When for example you connect to a public network, (restaurants, fast-food, cafes, airports etc.) you expose yourself to the possibility that this network uses your personal data for commercial purposes or even more serious, than someone with malicious intent connected to this network tries to you steal sensitive data such as passwords or credit card numbers… With your VPN well installed, so you have a new IP address which locates you elsewhere than where you are physically and therefore you do not appear on the public network.
- Different IP address
As explained in the paragraph just above, when you connect to a VPN you change the IP address of your Android smartphone. This means that it changes the location of it. And this can come in handy when there are connection restrictions depending on the country you are in. If for example you are located in China for work and you need to access content that is blocked through the Chinese network, just connect to a network from a different country (with your VPN you can locate where you want) and thus have access to any otherwise inaccessible content. The same would be true if you wanted to watch a program available only in certain countries.
- Anonymous login
Your connection becomes anonymous when your VPN is installed and therefore allows you to avoid all tracking made by advertising via cookies, and also social media. In addition, and this point also relates to the previous paragraph, your connection is no longer accessible to users of this network, or even governments that could potentially surveiller for various reasons. Last point and this one is however not recommended even if it exists, you can download without risking to get caught by Hadopi!
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Conclusion on VPNs on Android smartphones and some market players
How To Hook Up A Ps4 To A Vpn Connection For Free Download
So here are the different steps for change VPN on your Android smartphone and also the different uses of these, when selecting it, keep in mind that a free VPN probably won't provide not the best service even if it seems more attractive. Ask yourself why you use it, sometimes you have to know how to budget when we really need certain things. Be careful however, the reverse is not necessarily true, namely if you pay you will not necessarily have quality service ! So it's up to you to take the time to carefully choose which VPN you're going to use, there are a lot of comparative on the internet so take the time to choose between a free VPN and a paid VPN. Knowing that some offer free trials, so take advantage!
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here are some market players free and paid VPNs:
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The best known in the paid VPN market are North VPN, Express VPN, or CyberGhost, Surfshark … The list is long, make your opinion according to what you are looking for as a service and also according to the budget you have, because the offers are different. Most have multi-accounts so it is possible to share this with a family member.
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For Free VPNs, we recommend that you try Hotspot Shield VPN, which seems like one of the references on the market, obviously which does not offer the same guarantees as a Paid VPN since you will eventually have to share your connection with a larger number of people.